Cattle mutilations

Throughout the world there have been reports that allege that cattle have been killed and mutilated under mysterious circumstances. The dead cattle have had all their blood drained from their body and various parts removed with surgical precision. Some researchers believe that the cattle mutilations are the result of extra terrestrials; while the skeptics believe it to be a case of satanic cults or natural predators. Ranchers have lost thousands of dollars from these cattle mutilations and local authorities have conducted extensive investigations. To this day the identity of the perpetrators and their reason for mutilating the cattle remains a mystery.

Most commonly, mutilated animals are cattle, but horses, goats, even deer and house-hold pets have been found dead although the cause of death is undetermined.

Often their reproductive and rectal organs as well other body parts such as one or both eyes, heart, tongue, ears and bones have been removed. In some cases the incisions were made by cutting between the cells, a process we are not yet capable of performing in the field. 

In many of the mutilations there was no blood found at all in the carcass, yet there was no vascular collapse of the internal organs.  From some of the evidence it is apparent that this surgery is accomplished, in most cases, while the victim, animal or human, is still alive.In most cases, the animal is completely drained of blood, with only a few drops or none at all located around the carcass. Organs are sometimes liquefied, and dead flies are found on the body. Other (living) animals (including scavengers/carrion eaters) will avoid the carcass, acting extremely nervous or distressed around it.
Investigators have reported a strange chemical smell associated with the mutilated cattle and the carcass being covered with a white powder. Equally puzzling is the fact that there are no tracts of predators, vehicles or footprints leading to or from the carcass, even when the ground was soft after rain. The lack of tracks or blood trails and clamp marks on the animals’ legs suggests that the cattle were taken to another location and killed. After being mutilated, the cattle were then dropped in the general area from where they were abducted.

  1. A lack of predation signs (including teethmarks, tearing of the skin or flesh, or animal footprints) on or around the carcass.
  2. Lack of obvious scavenging. Other cattle avoid the carcass and the area where it’s fo
  3. The ground under the animal appears depressed, as if the animal was dropped on the site from a height leaving an impact crater. The animal’s bones found to be fractured with injuries consistent with being dropped.
  4. Eyewitness reports of aerial objects in the vicinity of cattle at the time of an animal going missing
  5. The removal of and the cutting of flesh and bone appears to be done with surgical precision and often the incisions have been cauterized which has led some investigators to suggest that the perpetrators are using some form of laser. This technology was not available when the first mutilations were reported.

For the first time that tissue gathered from mutilator cuts in Arkansas on March 11, 1989, revealed the following characteristics under microscopic examination:

  • The line is pinpoint thin;
  • The line was subjected to high heat, probably 300 degrees Fahrenheit or above, leaving a hard and darkened edge;
  • The cuts were made rapidly, probably in two minutes or less, because there is no inflammatory cell destruction which typically begins in a few minutes after any trauma to tissue
  • The removal of major organs (such as heart or liver) with no obvious entry/excision marks. Often, if the heart is missing, apart from no excision wound, the Pericardium will still be present and intact, with the heart missing.