Ghost lexicon

Channeler: A person who allows a spirit to temporarily possess his or her body in order for the spirit to be able to communicate with the living

Channeling Board: A tool used for communication with the other side. Also known as a Ouija board or talking board.

Age Regression: The process of going back to a previous time in your current life through the use of hypnosis.

Akashic Record: A chart of a person’s past lives, future lives, and parallel lives.


Astral Projection: Projecting one’s consciousness into the spirit world.

Automatic Writing: A method of communication with the other side that involves using a normal writing instrument and paper. The automatic writer allows a spirit to control the pen and what is drawn or written on the paper.

Autonographist: Professional automatic writer.

Channeler: A person who allows a spirit to temporarily possess his or her body in order for the spirit to be able to communicate with the living

Channeling Board: A tool used for communication with the other side. Also known as a Ouija board or talking board.

Clairalience: The ability to use smell to receive a spirit’s message.

Clairambience: The ability to use taste to receive a spirit’s message.

Clairaudience: The ability to hear sounds to receive a spirit’s message.

Clairsentience: The feeling or sensing of a spirit’s message.

Clairvoyance: The ability to see objects or events that others can’t.

Collective Apparition: An apparition that is seen simultaneously by multiple witnesses. 

Discarnate: Spirit or ghost – having no material body or form.


Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): A term used to describe the noises and voices that are recorded on traditional audio or videotape, but that aren’t necessarily audible to the human ear — these are often believed to be voices from the other side.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP): An awareness of outside happenings or information not attained through the normal human senses. 

Ghost Buster: A person who visits a site that is believed to be haunted with the expressed purpose of eliminating the ghost or paranormal activity from that location.

Ghost Hunter: A person who investigates and studies ghosts, hauntings and paranormal phenomena.

Hypnotherapy: The treatment of an ailment through the use of hypnosis.

Intelligent haunting (also known as a classic or traditional haunting) : a haunting in which a spiritual entity is aware of the living world and interacts with or responds to it. Ghost hunters and paranormal writers say that such a ghost or spirit may be able to communicate with the living, not just by talking, but by moving inanimate objects such as furniture or toys.

Medium: A person who has a special gift and believes he or she can act as a bridge between the world of the living and the other side.

Metaphysics: A field of study dedicated to the nature of reality; an underlying philosophical or theoretical principle.